Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Photo of Laura, more from Great Sand Dunes

Awesome Laursome on the bridge

Great Sand Dunes

After wandering in the desert for days, Emma thinks she spies an oasis ...

Hot and thirsty sand dune skiers

In the middle of the Sahara

Sand and more sand

Got a camel?

Some random photographs

Emma (pretending to be dehydrated and delirious) and Paige at the Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve near Mosca, CO

Emma and Laura outside the Academy of Children's Theatre 



Daniel going to school on the wrong side of the tracks

Cloudy, Snowy, and Sunny (the weather pups) out on a walk

Running through the grass

Near the pond (Cloudy and Snowy wanting to go for a swim)

Little Cloudy