Friday, December 29, 2017

The Joy of being Ambulatory!

So I've had plantar fasciitis for several years. My first two bouts were managed with steroid injections, which took effect immediately and left me pain-free for over a year in each case. This last bout has been more obdurate. Three steroid injections made not a whit of difference to the excruciating pain in my heels. I tried a variety of treatments with limited success, and eventually went to see my doctor, who referred me to an orthopedic surgeon, who referred me for physiotherapy, which ... worked! I still have some pain in my feet, but I'm much more mobile. I'm signed up for another six weeks of physiotherapy and hope to beat this completely. Of course, I religiously usually sometimes do the daily exercises prescribed by my physiotherapist -- three reps of five different exercises plus icing.

So, not being able to walk around much for a year meant I got fat and flabby. This Christmas Eve, my beloved gave me a Fitbit Charge 2 and probably added ten years to my life. The Fitbit started out telling me how few steps a day I was taking and how high my heart rate was.

I was shamed into trying to be more active. Yesterday, I weighed myself for the first time in a year and found that, while I hadn't gained weight, I hadn't lost any either. I'm sure I'm flabbier, even if not heavier. The ominous number was 160. I need to lose 20 lb, I'd like to lose 30, and I'd love to lose 40. My heart rate, when I started out wearing the Fitibit, was consistently over 80.

So I took myself to the gym yesterday, used the elliptical for 20 minutes, and then worked out with some weights for a short while. Today I went back and did 30 minutes on the elliptical and some more weights. I plan to add 10 minutes a day to my elliptical workout until I get up to at least 60 minutes. I plan to watch lectures from The Great Courses on my Macbook while I'm doing this. In addition, since getting the Fitbit, I have been trying to get in at least 10,000 steps a day. The Fitbit counts one's steps and celebrates with virtual fireworks if one exceeds that number, so I try to walk as much as I can. The dogs appreciate the extra walks they're getting. Yesterday, for the first time, I met my goal😀 My heart rate is already down somewhat. It is now usually in the 70's and occasionally dips into the 60's.

I'm not following any particular diet, but I'm watching what I eat. If I lose motivation, I will look at pictures on my friend's blog, which show her with serious muscle definition and almost no fat after a grueling workout regimen that includes having run 3,000 miles this year and working out for three hours a day for the past couple of years. She looks like a professional athlete. Her clothing size was, like mine, 8-10. It's now 00! You're my inspiration, Ess!

I don't plan to weigh myself regularly. I feel that if I increase the intensity and duration of my workouts, the weight will take care of itself. However, to keep myself honest, I'll do the occasional weigh-in and post the result here. It needs to go ↓ and ↓ and ↓some more!

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