Saturday, January 6, 2018

A Good Day!

So today was a really fun, happy day for everyone in my family. Craig and Laura are in Chicago with Kay and having a fabulous time. Daniel took the GRE and did very well. 'Good to have that behind him.  Emma played tennis earlier and is heading out to Colorado Springs with Daniel for a birthday celebration for her friend, Keelie (Keelie was going to have a sleepover party this evening, but one of the four girls who was to attend is sick, so she canceled.) Paige and I went up to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science to see the Ultimate Dinosaurs exhibit, along with a planetarium show, Passport to the Universe, which was narrated by Tom Hanks. Paige and I had a late lunch at Sweet Tomatoes on the way home and watched the Star Trek episode The Trouble with Tribbles this evening.

Craig, Laura, and Kay went out with Kay's friend, Bette, and learned that Bette's daughter is friends with the wife of Joe Principe, the bassist for Emma's favorite band, Rise Against. There seems to be some sort of possibility that Emma might be able to meet the band, or at least meet Joe Principe.

My fitness and weight loss program, which I started over Christmas, is going well. I've dropped one dress size and generally feel healthier. I got up to 90 minutes on the elliptical last Wednesday, and it didn't get boring because I watched three lectures from The Great Courses, two on oceanography and one on zoology, while working out. I'm finding pushups and situps slightly less tortuous. And while I am gaining a little muscle definition and have lost a little weight, I stilll need to jettison a quarter of my current body weight. This will probably be a one year process.

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